• HyeConnect Insights

    As the first pan-Armenian digital platform of its kind, HyeConnect offers an exclusive environment with a rich toolkit to bring your initiatives to life. 


    To support you at all stages of your HyeConnect journey and provide insight into HyeConnect, this page presents a wide selection of online materials, including our platform's top activties, user stories, our blog articles, video guides and more.

User Stories

In cooperation with the Armenian Virtual College, HyeConnect hosted an in-person meeting with two...
HyeConnect continues hosting new organizations and diverse initiatives aimed at the prosperity of...
As we have shared, HyeConnect has been actively engaged with different Armenian communities that we...


Armenian border villages are known as border guards for a good reason: here, each person serves as a guardian of the border and the motherland. HyeConnect user Liana Evinyan, devoted to the... read more

Ապրիլի 24֊ը դարձնենք վերածնունդի օր, մեր մեկը օրը նվիրելով Հայաստանի ուժեղացմանը։

More info:
https://www.facebook.com/... read more

Armenian fairy tales like Hovhaness Tumanyan’s The Bird and Brother Axe have excellent wisdom to be translated into the current online experience children may face and create media products for... read more

Media about us

"HyeConnect – The Armenian Nation Online" by DiasporArm.org

Hye Connect, a much expected Pan-Armenian digital platform founded by Eric Esrailian, Alexis...

Reporter Harout Manougian raises questions about Armenian online communities’ current situation...

Armenia’s political revolution turns technological | Emerging tech & innovation | Techworld

Armenia’s digital strengths are low cost and high productivity talent, which has made the...


HyeConnect’s recent article on the White Paper “Armenians as a Spatial and Digital Nation” contributes to the study’s question of thinking about the Armenian nation in new ways. In collaboration with... read more
In cooperation with the Armenian Virtual College, HyeConnect hosted an in-person meeting with two esteemed members of our community, Armenian Society of Fellows representatives and professors Dr.... read more
On September 4th, 2022 in light of the VI annual Starmus event taking place in Yerevan, HyeConnect co-founders and board members Serj Tankian and Yervant Zorian were in Armenia. During their stay... read more


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«Վերջին 300 տարիներու ամենաազդեցիկ հայը» (Գրութիւններու յանձնումին պայմանաժամը՝ 28 Յունուար, 2022)

«Վերջին 300 տարիներու ամենաազդեցիկ հայը» Տարբերակ21 առցանց հանդէսին (www.darperag21.net) կողմէ կազմակերպուած փորձագրական (essay) մրցոյթ է, որուն կրնան մասնակցիլ պատմաբանութեան, քաղաքագիտութեան, ընկերաբանութեան, մշակութաբանութեան եւ այլ գիտութիւններու 25-էն 40 տարեկան ուսանողներ եւ մասնագէտներ աշխարհի բոլոր կողմերէն: Մրցոյթը յաղթող գրութեան հեղինակը կամ հեղինակները պիտի ստանա(ն)յ 150 ամերիկեան տոլարի մրցանակ.

The Digital Diaspora Theory & HyeConnect: the idea behind creation

As the modern world moves towards globalization and digitalization it is hard to imagine a specter of it that can be left behind. From science to economics and arts, every field of activity is now focused on communication, sharing ideas and networking. This is often accomplished by the mediums which the World Wide Web has provided us with. No working and thriving environment can operate without this digital communication that we have so quickly become accustomed to. In many of these environments and communities the emphasis is strictly on teamwork and collaboration.

Armenia’s political revolution turns technological | Emerging tech & innovation | Techworld

Armenia’s digital strengths are low cost and high productivity talent, which has made the country an attractive outsourcing destination for multinational IT giants. The challenge is to turn that into a hub for domestic product creation.

Ani Hovhannisyan - AJF and DiasporArm

We are presenting the feedback from one of our first users Ani Hovhannisyan.

Liana Evinyan - Beekeeping

Ayrum is a small town on the north-southern border of Armenia on the bank of the river Debed on the highway to Georgia. It borders Georgia, is close to the Azerbaijan border, and has about 2700 population.

A family from Ayrum wants to use their 1200 square meters of land to start beekeeping. To preserve the existence of these unique animals it is necessary to ensure the protection of their habitat for which it is necessary to have also a fruit tree garden on my land.

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