Ayrum is a small town on the north-southern border of Armenia on the bank of the river Debed on the highway to Georgia. It borders Georgia, is close to the Azerbaijan border, and has about 2700 population.
A family from Ayrum wants to use their 1200 square meters of land to start beekeeping. To preserve the existence of these unique animals it is necessary to ensure the protection of their habitat for which it is necessary to have also a fruit tree garden on my land.
Beekeeping is one of the most important branches of agriculture. It is very profitable and will solve many social problems of the border population. Bee as the main pollinator of a number of agricultural crops increases the crop yield of the trees.
In addition, expensive honey beeswax and pollen can be used as tasty food and is also very important. As the land is near the Silk Road, we will have an opportunity to create a new ecotourism center where tourists will be involved in the process of squeezing honey. They will taste their own squeezed honey and will use the fruits of the orchard.
Today experts talk about the need to preserve bees as their number is decreasing. It is associated with the effects of pesticides, electromagnetic radiation, and radio waves.
As Albert Einstein said. “If bees die, people will die in 4 years”. There are very few bees left.
Therefore, let’s give a boost to beekeeping, agriculture, creating jobs, improving the quality of life, and reducing the number of emigrations from the border community.