Why HyeConnect?
HyeConnect offers a unique online environment for the global Armenian community,
with a rich toolkit for creating and running any kind of activities that communities and individuals may need.
Having an Armenia-centric platform where participants would feel the high level of security and trust is critical nowadays for reaching unity and national goals.
HyeConnect strives to change the way Armenians collaborate across the globe directing various skills and expertise to the common intentions. We believe that everyone can become a changemaker if they are in the right place with the right people. Bringing together many changemakers can have a huge role in creating and developing impactful projects in Armenia.
HyeConnect strongly encourages behavioral ethics giving access to the activity creators to control the censor of activities enforcing our community guidelines. Prioritizing HyeConnect participants’ opinion, we provide a responsive feedback system to continuously improve our system aiming to better serve our members and their goals.
HyeConnect is a special address for every Armenian no matter where they live geographically and what they do.
We believe, virtually collaborating with fellow Armenians and being part of their successes will make many of us happier.
Learn more about HyeConnect through its multifunctional activities!
The Community tool on HyeConnect allows people with similar objectives, professions, and geolocation to find each other and collaborate. It enables a real-life community to create their virtual room in HyeConnect and discuss, plan, schedule, and run their activities within their community. The community tool allows creating new communities on HyeConnect based on shared interests, goals, and skills and already established communities to operate online with the necessary toolkits and functionalities. The members can create and share different projects, discussions, and events with the other community members. Activities within a community and outside of it may be public or private, i.e., be open for everyone or be not visible/searchable for someone outside the community. Communities belonging to the same sphere of life or geographical location can be moved and combined in bigger units called societies.
The Society tool on HyeConnect is used for connecting a larger number of users by including various communities already created on the platform. It is for communities that relate to the same industry, sphere, phenomenon or have other commonalities. The platform allows engaging different communities in one hierarchical group to create new HyeActivities on a society level. Thus, the activities can be visible to all community members inside the society.
The Project tool on HyeConnect is used for turning an idea into reality through collaboration with other users. Projects on HyeConnect are result-oriented, and they have a clear set end goal. The tool includes sophisticated features that provide convenience for the project's creator and participants, such as adding, formatting, and further editing information about the project itself, available and missing resources for its realization, start and end dates, milestones, etc. For example, the project management tool enables the creator to assign different roles to the participants. These roles may serve various purposes. The creator may assign a facilitator, a manager, and a moderator. A custom role is also viable as the creator may select different permission levels for each position. The participants may communicate through postings in the project's timeline, sharing images, videos and texts. Upon completion, the project manager may initiate a project closure. After submitting the closure summary, no changes and postings are possible in that project.
The Discussion tool on HyeConnect is used for inhabiting users with similar interests and providing a space to discuss a particular topic or issue. It is an ongoing, process-oriented activity and may have an unidentified goal until a consensus is reached among the participants. Upon agreement, the discussion manager may announce the final opinion on the discussion’s timeline. It is not necessary for this tool to have any time constraints. Different roles can be assigned to the participants for better management. The discussion can be converted into a project in case a particular result is expected. That project will inherit all the characteristics and the content of the ongoing discussion. The creator can edit it, add milestones and resources, assign roles, save the project, and then run it separately as a HyeConnect project. Many projects can be born from one discussion.
The Event tool on HyeConnect is used for organizing all kinds of events like meet-ups, trips, conferences, etc. Time, location, schedule, and other components can be enabled to set up the event and add multiple sub-events. HyeConnect enables Google maps for visualizing the activity locations of the event and sub-events. For example, a “Medieval architecture festival” lasting for two weeks may occur in different locations for observing various monuments. The tool allows for inviting users, assigning roles to the participants, and showing them the coordinates on the map.
The Questionnaire tool on HyeConnect is used for collecting data, opinions, or votes on a specific subject. Data collection may take place either in the form of a survey (multiple questions with multiple answer forms & options) or a poll (a single question with a single choice). When creating a questionnaire, we can select the type of answers, for example, single or multiple choice answers, star ratings, answers with attached pictures, short or long texts. The questionnaire can be private or public. It has a start date and an end date. When it is active, it cannot be edited. Each participant may vote only once. The votes or the answers are not visible to the participants when the questionnaire is still active, also when it is anonymous. The summary report is published only after its deadline.