Mission & Vision

Our Mission
To connect Armenians around the globe via virtual environment for leveraging their talents, skills, and capabilities

to serve to the empowerment of Armenians and Armenia, as the Motherland for all Armenians.


Our Vision
A Pan-Armenian digital platform that connects Armenians around the world to create

virtual communities of interest and forums based on any variety of issues. This is the Armenian nation online. 

To achieve our mission and to fulfill our vision, we have the following strategic goals:

  • Provide a virtual forum with necessary toolkits for running different types of activities.
  • Invite people who can devote themselves to contributing their ideas and viewpoints to achieve common goals for the sake of Armenia.
  • Increase people’s engagement in communities and support them for better coordination and outcome to accelerate their objectives towards their common interests.
  • Create a dialog by engaging the larger audience to generate advisory suggestions, projects, proposals, events, discussions, conferences, surveys and analytical reports, etc., in different areas of life, country strategy and on any issue related to the Armenian nation.  


Do you share our goals and feelings, aiming to find fellows like you who are willing to contribute to Armenia and Armenians? 

Join Us!